Wednesday, October 15, 2008


In an attempt to continue where we left off, I believe I left you while preparing the saltiest rice pudding known to man. Although not edible, this wasn't my dumbest cooking mistake of the night. The only difference between this one and the other is that I learned how bad this was immediately.
While making dinner last night, I was also boiling beets to have as a snack and keep in my fridge for the remainder of the week. After turning the simmer off the stove, I wanted to leave the beets in the hot water for a while to make them extra soft. Little did I know that the combination of blogging and a great episode of Entourage would prevent me from remembering about my precious beets. While leaving the stolen, free breakfast again this morning [its only free to dorm kids if I hadn't made that clear before], I remembered that my beautiful beets were still basting in what had been boiling water. I also knew that if I was lucky, I would make it home by 1pm, and if not, it would be 8pm.
As I made lunch at 1pm, I drained the water for my beets and pealed them; only then did I realize that they weren't 'normal' beets. Like special kids in a special school, my beets were far from ordinary. Why? Maybe it's because I bought what looked like packaged beets but ended up being fucking onions.
If you've ever had a sweet, soft onion though, you'll have a clue what these taste like. My onions, boiled and beautiful, are sweet enough to be a dessert. Hopefully they just won't smell up our entire fridge since I have 8 more of them being chilled.
So I went to class, trivial and thoughtless, only to wake up at 4:55. This was actually perfect because class ends at 5. It also gave me just enough time to play one more game of Winter Bells [I hate and love Dillon for introducing me to this game last night], pack up my computer, and run off to yoga. It's been a lovely day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly misdiagnosing things to cook runs in the family. Thank g-d you're not going into medicine!