Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So Long, Farewell

Yesterday was pretty rough. In addition to staying up late in bed, having been used to staying up late partying the previous few nights, I got attacked by bugs. As awkward as this may sound, I woke up with at least 1 spider bite on each arm and a swollen lip, which I believe was from another bug that I had later swatted off my face. And Jarda says that spiders don't bite in the Czech Republic. I haven't believed him once this semester, and last night just confirmed it again. So I woke up lethargic and late, not caring that I was strolling into class a few minutes after I should have. After another long day of classes, I finally got a nice break by walking to yoga. As nice as this was, I unfortunately can't say that the positives of yoga outweighed the negatives to come.
So far, the score is 2-2: yoga gets double points for requiring energy/exercise and making me feel better, while team Evil gets 2 points for attacking me with spiders then boring me with class. As I was walking up the stairs to my apartment, I noticed that our inner doors (once inside the building, one door leads to my building, and another to a different) to our building were totally wide open. Usually, at most one may find 1 door wide open, never both. I walked up the stairs slightly puzzled, then saw 2 guys walking down the stairs with a foosball table in their hands. My horrific nightmare was right; I had blocked out Jarda telling us on Sunday that we would be losing the table Monday, and reality sure shocked me. I had wanted to hide the table under Robert's bed, but that unfortunately wasn't good enough and we had to lose it. So much for my professional foosball career: training has now been temporarily suspended for an indefinite time, similar to Hilary Clinton's presidential hopes.
I'm again bored in class typing and wasting time. I was going to skype with mom mid-class but I thought that might be too obnoxious. Instead, I have been drawing pictures, wikipediaing, and crying about the loss of our table. After class, I just walked to Washcloth square and mailed my absentee ballot home: insured of course. I can't believe that cost twice as much as the fried cheese sandwich I bought right afterward. That's right, fried cheese sandwich. It's a national dish, and is pretty much a delicious, massive mozzarella stick [even though its not mozzarella] on a bun. Yum

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