Monday, October 13, 2008

Lazy Sunday? Lazy Weekend...

As the river Vltava has been running quite slowly lately, so has life right off of it. Not much has happened in the past few days, and definitely nothing of significance has occurred. Lots of people on my program were out of town, and with both of my roommates' parents in town, I decided to watch TV. A lot of TV was watched, and many pages were read; Oh, and lots of alcohol was consumed. After seeing Joey once, we decided to meet up later this weekend which was fun. I met some more of his DU friends and even a few nonfriends. Anyways, for those wondering, I am all caught up in my American TV shows, and have almost finished This Side of Paradise which is an awesome book (Fitzgerald should get more acclaim for his first piece and less credit for his masterpiece, Gatsby). I am again bored in class, listening with one ear while typing this, drawing pictures, chatting online, and letting the material pass through my other ear. To be fair, when the class is reading aloud from the book, something that I can and will do at home too, there really isn't a point to listening to it now as well. Other interesting things:
-On my daily 2km walk back to class (on Mondays I make the walk 4 times), I heard a "CPAKCH!" As bad and weird as that may sound, I think that is the best description of a squirrel falling off of a roof, rolling, bouncing, and running all within 3 seconds. It was nuts.
-Although it isn't as nice as it is in Chicago, spending 2-3 hours sitting on a park bench which floats right under suicide bridge in the spectacular Sunday afternoon sun was divine. If some one had jumped right near me, however, I think that might have made the evening slightly more gloomy. The problem with this fantastic sun is that when you are walking 10km in it, you sweat way too much for sitting in class too.
-I can now make a mean stir fry - whether with rice or pasta - and consume as much garlic and eat as many onions and use as much hot sauce as a platoon of Mexican soldiers trying to keep themselves out of war and in a ward by getting stomach ulcers from too much hot food. On that note, a man died last week from eating a hot sauce too hot for himself. So it goes.
-A massive rat [also known as a dog to few] tried pissing on my foot as I walked to class this morning. Turns out they don't just use sidewalks, gutters and streets, and had the little shit tagged me, I would have kicked it off of the wall of Vysehrad castle that I was standing next to.
-Most of my clothes have been worn on average 3 uses. Although some few pieces still remain clean, the majority of day to day clothes have been picked out of my laundry suitcase at least 5 times. I have done laundry twice since getting here, and our machine holds approximately 8 articles of clothing. Despite doing so little this weekend, I hate my washing machine so much that I didn't even do a load, although I had considerable time to accomplish such a pathetic feat. Wish me the urge to fight my nemesis and regain some clean clothes, although I'm not sure if any of these clothes can now become clean without multiple washes.
-Here is what I did in class today:

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